Friday, May 14, 2010

Bad, Bad Budget Cuts | California Progress Report

Bad, Bad Budget Cuts | California Progress Report

Bad, Bad Budget Cuts

Posted on 14 May 2010
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By Anthony Wright
Today, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed a new California budget that eliminated or eviscerated health and human services.
In a tough budget situation, Governor Schwarzenegger’s revised budget represents the worst possible choice for California families, for our health system, and for our economy. At a time when millions are looking for relief, the Governor has proposed cuts that will deny medically necessary care, place greater financial strain on families, and turn back hundreds of millions of dollars in federal matching funds for our economy.
THE SPECIFIC HEALTH IMPACT: California children and families, seniors and people with disabilities will find their prescriptions and doctors visits limited, their coverage for certain treatments capped, and significant costs for getting doctor and hospital care. Some of these cuts will not just delay and deny care, but will have life and death impacts.
BETTER CHOICES FOR CALIFORNIA: There are better choices for California—ones that balance cuts with revenues, preserves the health system we all rely on, and fosters our economic recovery. In contrast, Governor Schwarzenegger’s budget undermines our ability to create jobs and our health infrastructure--the foundation on which we need to take advantage of the new opportunities under health reform.
NO NEW TAXES?: Governor Schwarzenegger says there are no new taxes in his proposal, and that’s true for corporations. For eight million in low-income California families, there are significant increased costs to have and access basic medical care.