Monday, May 31, 2010

8 Days to the Election You Can Make The Difference! Patrick Kennedy for Council 2010

8 Days to the Election
You Can Make The Difference!
Patrick Kennedy for Council 2010

In this final week leading up to the election, it is imperative that we reach as many people as possible. If you can volunteer for an hour or a week, we need your energy and effort to get our supporters out on election day. There are only 8 days until the election and you can make the difference in the campaign!

Can you walk this weekend?
Can you make calls to voters this week?

Volunteer Opportunities:
Phone Bank
When: Wednesday
Time: 5:30 PM
Location: 2200 L Street

When: Thursday
Time: 5:30 PM
Location: 2200 L Street

Walk a Precinct
When: Saturday
Time: 11 AM
Location: 4640 23rd Street (in Hollywood Park)

When: Sunday
Time: 2 PM
Location: 4640 23rd Street (in Hollywood Park)

Get out the vote!On Monday, June 7th and Tuesday, June 8th we will be talking to voters throughout the day to remind them to vote. We need your help to get our supporters to the polls. Contact me for more details, as we will be working all day.

Anything you can do helps! 

Please call me at (916) 601-8558 or e-mail me at to join our team.

Rachel Miller
Campaign Manager

(916) 601-8558