Friday, April 16, 2010

"Watching" Books or "Reading" TV? Alice In Wonderland & iPad - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.

"Watching" Books or "Reading" TV? Alice In Wonderland & iPad - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education.

"Watching" Books or "Reading" TV? Alice In Wonderland & iPad

What Do YOU Think?
Is iPad A Good Thing Or Bad For Kids' Reading? 
See 45 sec. Video Below

We at The Daily Riff like to make connections of various happenings to education.  Best selling author Daniel Pink would call it "symphony" or something like that  . . . or you may call it certifiable.  Either way, we're okay with it.

When it came to this Apple Youtube commercial (45 sec.) below for its iPad using Alice In Wonderland, it was more of a "rift" back at the ranch, rather than a riff.  In other words, no one here readily agreed.

Youtube illustrates how kids can experience actual reading "mashed" with a video-game-like