Friday, April 30, 2010 | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence.

Bright and Early: The Education Newsblitz
School news is a little thin today. I'm as shocked as you are. Here are the few, the proud, the newsblitz:
  • KPBS reports on how a local legislator is pushing a law that would reverse a rule changethat stopped guaranteeing admission to San Diego State University for qualified local students.
  • 10News shows Serra High staging a pep rally to psych kids up for state tests. One of the problems that it highlights is that students usually don't have a real incentive to care about how they do, since the results don't impact them.
  • Oakland teachers staged a one day strike, the Tribune writes.
  • The Bakersfield Californian reports that more families than ever are signing kids up forfree lunch at school.
  • In Education Week, Walt Gardner mulls how teacher absences might impact the achievement gap between different races and economic classes of students.