Monday, April 26, 2010

Sex Tourist Professor Scrubs His Site � Student Activism

Sex Tourist Professor Scrubs His Site � Student Activism

Sex Tourist Professor Scrubs His Site

Cal State Northridge Economics professor Kenneth Ng has shut down his website Big Baby Kenny in the wake of the site’s outing in the media, but the pages live on in Google’s cache.
The site, which promised to show readers “how to get banged better, cheaper, and more efficiently in the Thailand Girl Scene,” has been known to university administrators for months. Ng was initially defiant when approached by reporters last week, but backpedaled in the face of public outrage. University provost Harry Hellebrand released a statement on Friday thanking Ng “for his reflection and removal of the site.”
Although Ng says he “never encountered any child prostitution” in Thailand, and denies that his site was a sex tourism guide, his own writings, now deleted, reveal these claims to be lies. Ng makes a number of references to encountering girls whom he believed to be underage at sites of prostitution, sites for which he provided directions and GPS coordinates to his readers.
Warning: The excerpts provided below include depictions of child prostitution and the physical abuse of women.
Pages that have been taken down include…