Rise & Shine: A more dire assessment of teacher pension costs | GothamSchools
Rise & Shine: A more dire assessment of teacher pension costs | GothamSchools
- Parents submitted 3,800 applications for 538 seats in yesterday’s Achievement First lottery. (Post)
- A family who was shut out of Achievement First’s schools has its hopes pinned on other charters. (Post)
- Parents whose son did get into an Achievement First school say he’s destined for greatness. (Post)
- A conservative think tank says the city’s teacher pension fund is in worse shape than the city says. (NY1)
- Nationwide, teacher pension funds are more than $900 billion in the red, the group found. (USA Today)
- An NYC superintendent’s son is among tens of thousands of students waitlisted at elite colleges. (Times)
- Teachers at Williamsburg Collegiate Charter produce YouTube videos to help their students. (NY1)
- The Daily News says legislation to end “last in, first out” layoffs would protect good teachers.
- Some school districts in the region are holding weekday proms to cut down on after parties. (Times)
- SUNY’s new strategic plan includes a pipeline stretching from pre-K to college. (NY1, GothamSchools)
- A 2-year-old was left alone on a daycare school bus for hours. (Post, Times, Daily News)