Remainders: D.C. teachers contract funds raises with private cash
- The New Teacher Project released its thoughts (pdf) on the lessons of Race to the Top’s first round.
- Here’s USDOE’s own analysis of why Delaware and Tennessee walked away Race to the Top winners.
- David Steiner says he plans to spend the next two months building union support for New York’s RttT app.
- D.C.’s new teachers contract will debut soon; $65 million in funds from Broad, Walton are paying for raises.
- Obama’s new budget trades guaranteed Reading is Fundamental funding with a contest for literacy dollars.
- The next round of Race to the Top will include a new “Race to the Common Test” subsection.
- Mr. Talk argues that if seniority-based layoffs disappear, fewer people will want to become teachers.
- For-profit charter manager Victory Schools charges schools twice as much per pupil as non-profit CMOs.
- Chicago is launching a standardized test to gauge preschoolers’ readiness for kindergarten.
- In a new study, economist Eric Hanushek argues high turnover in tough schools may not be so bad.
- And on this Tuesday before the end of spring break, one teacher has the Sundays.