Friday, April 23, 2010

The Perimeter Primate: Grannan: Reauthorization of NCLB-II and George Miller, Ravitch and the Poison Pill

The Perimeter Primate: Grannan: Reauthorization of NCLB-II and George Miller, Ravitch and the Poison Pill

Grannan: Reauthorization of NCLB-II and George Miller, Ravitch and the Poison Pill

Diane Ravitch, education historian and former Assistant Secretary of Education, has been traveling across the United States to inform audiences how Race to the Top is using exactly the same "measure and punish" philosophy as No Child Left Behind. RTTT is considered to be the prototype for what is certain to become another cleverly named version of NCLB II. Ravitch warns if the bill is approved it will turn out to be a poison pill for American education.
This guest post by Caroline Grannan features the essential arguments.

Noted education commentator and author Diane Ravitch was in the Bay Area last week urging Bay Area residents to launch a protest campaign to pressure Rep. George Miller to stop defending the No Child Left Behind law -- based on (as Ravitch says) "measure and punish." Miller co-sponsored the original law, but I asked her why there's any reason to pressure him at this point. She explained that he can control reauthorization of the law, and that Nancy Pelosi and the House