Monday, April 26, 2010

North Penn School District Teachers' Strike Enters Second Week -

North Penn School District Teachers' Strike Enters Second Week -

North Penn Teachers Strike Heads To Court

Students in the North Penn School District are facing their second week without class as teachers continue to strike.

With reports of problems during negotiations between the teachers' union and district officials, the ongoing battle is expected to go to court.

The school board is expected at an injunction hearing at the Montgomery County Courthouse Monday. Officials hope a court order will get teachers back in the classroom by Wednesday as state law says students must have 180 days of instruction before the end of June.

The union said they will ask the judge to order round-the-clock negotiations until the contract dispute is resolved.

The union representing the district's more than 1,000 teachers sought to resume talks over the weekend with the district, but says the school board negotiator did not respond.

Teachers hit the picket lines last week after the district