Tuesday, April 13, 2010

“My Bread” | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

“My Bread” | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...

“My Bread”

My Bread is a series of engaging games to help high school students develop financial planning skills.
It’s probably only accessible to advanced English Language Learners, though. Because of that, I can’t add it toThe Best Sites For Learning Economics & Practical Money Skills.
However, I have added it to the Economics section on my website, where you can find many other online good online financial planning activities that are just not very accessible to ELL’s, but are great for native-speakers.

“Robots Come To Life In Japan”

BBC News Globe

The BBC has developed what they call the News Globe. It has a virtual globe globe that you spin, and there are points on it. When you place your cursor on the points a short introduction to a news story based on that location shows-up, and you can click on it to go to the complete report. You type in a query for the types of news you’re looking for.

Go, Linda Darling-Hammond, Go!

According to The Educated Guess, Linda Darling-Hammond — education researcher, author, and professor — will be giving a public briefing today in Washington, D.C. on an effort she is working on with the majority of states to revamp the current standardized testing regimen most of us have to use.