Monday, April 26, 2010 - EducationNewsToday - EducationNewsToday
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April 26, 2010
EducationNews Today

As Recession Ebbs, Heavy Debt Threatens U.S. Higher Education
4.26.10 - As the nation's economy struggles to gain steady footing, experts say accumulating debt threatens the long-term financial security of U.S. colleges and universities in the recession's aftermath.

Traditional schools focus on the basics
4.26.10 - Those include teaching techniques where students sit in rows and educators teach to the entire class instead of breaking into groups. All students are expected to learn the same things at the same pace....

Jay Mathews: Explosive book for a new teacher generation
4.26.10 - This new cohort of educators is frustrated with traditional teacher training. They think most education schools are too fond of theory (favorite ed school philosopher John Dewey died in 1952 before many of their parents were born) and too casual about preparing them for the practical challenges of teaching impoverished children....

Suit over how to grade students pits districts against Texas
4.26.10 - Eleven Texas school districts will ask an Austin judge today if they can keep cutting a break to students who badly fail courses despite a new law mandating truthful grading. ..

Resistance to ROTC on elite campuses eases
WASHINGTON - Administrators at Harvard, Brown, and other elite universities are softening their resistance to the Reserve Officers' Training Corps more than four decades after the military scholarship programs were driven from campus in the face of fierce antiwar sentiment ...

EdNews Reports

Texas Gives the Boot to Liberal Social Studies Bias

4.25.10 - After three days of contentious meetings, Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) members gave preliminary approval to revised social studies standards they say are intended to rein in the liberal bias of teachers and academics

An Interview with Dan Redford: What's Going on in Shanghai?
4.26.10 - Michael F. Shaughnessy - Shanghai is hosting the world's biggest World Expo ever, and I am serving as a U.S. Student Ambassador. I work at the USA Pavilion, and am living in state of the art apartments that have been erected within the last year to serve as the Expo Village.

The nature of this evil is arrogance - the kind that has a deadly outcome

Ernie Hunt's primary intention when he wrote Paris Under Siege (Publish America) was to bring attention to the issue of human slavery; in particular, the plight of some Muslim women....