Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

A School Survival Guide for Parents (And Everyone Else)

Posted at 6:30 AM ET, 04/28/2010

New study: 1 in 3 college students transfer

A new report on students who transfer from one college to another says that about one-third of students who start at a two- or four-year institution after high school wind up transferring before they get a bachelor’s degree. And it details the factors schools consider important when evaluating transfer applicants.
Posted by Valerie Strauss | Permalink | Comments (0)

A $2,000 surplus and "absolute hogwash"

D.C. Chief Financial Officer Natwar M. Gandhi, who declined to speak for Sunday's story on his scuffling with Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee, apparently had second thoughts after he read the piece. He dispatched spokesman David Umansky to push back at Rhee's assertion that she has little or no control over budget and financing questions, calling it "absolute hogwash."
Rhee said on Friday that she assumed some responsibility for the confusion over the DCPS budget and funding of the proposed teacher contract. On April 13, she announced a $34 million surplus in her budget that Gandhi disallowed two days later. But she also made clear that she is dependent on Gandhi's office for data on where the agency is financially.
"It's unfortunate that we're in the situation that we're in," she said. "But I think it's important to make clear what we have responsibility for and what we don't."
Said Umansky: "She creates the budget and decides where the money will be spent. The CFO makes certain that all of the regulatory and legal requirements for spending District funds are met, that nothing improper is done. When asked, we assist the Chancellor, as we do all agency
Ed Buzz: The Nation