Friday, April 23, 2010

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

Education - Everything you need to know about the world of education.

A School Survival Guide for Parents (And Everyone Else)
What's Right and Wrong With Our Schools

Posted at 5:30 AM ET, 04/23/2010

The irksome myth about Garfield after Escalante

There is a widespread myth that Garfield High School in East Los Angeles went downhill academically after its superstar math teacher Jaime Escalante left the school in 1991. It is important to understand why this is false. Galvanizing school cultures are maintained by many people, not just hero teachers. Great teachers like Escalante can create such cultures, but the test of their validity is what happens after that teacher leaves.
Posted by Jay Mathews | Permalink | Comments (5)

Unions decry 'silence' from Fenty, Rhee

Teachers' union leaders George Parker and Randi Weingarten are asking Mayor Adrian M. Fenty and Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee for a meeting "as soon as possible" to get "a single, definitive and accurate accounting of the DCPS budget."
In a letter sent today, Parker, president of the Washington Teachers' Union, and Weingarten, head of the parent American Federation of Teachers, expressed dismay about conflicting accounts of a $34 million surplus in the budget and unanswered questions about how the $140 million labor contract will be funded.
Fenty and Rhee have said little -- beyond reiterating that the surplus was not in evidence when they laid off 266 teachers in October -- since the existence of the extra cash was revealed, and then quashed by D.C. Chief Financial Officer Natwar M. Gandhi last week.
"Given all the conflicting statements, the silence from your offices -- which have refused to provide transparent and accurate budget 
Ed Buzz: The Nation