Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Diversity issue discussed in L. Merion school case | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/13/2010

Diversity issue discussed in L. Merion school case | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/13/2010

Diversity issue discussed in L. Merion school case

Starting in May 2008, the Lower Merion School District held meetings to find out from citizens which principles should drive a new redistricting plan.
Those concerns included limiting students' time on school buses and maximizing the "walk zone" around one high school.
But one of those values - to "explore and cultivate" diversity in Lower Merion - was central to the work of consultant Ross Haber as he drew attendance zones for school officials to consider in 2008 and early 2009 as plans were made for the opening of two new high schools.
Taking the witness stand on the third day of a racial-bias trial in Philadelphia, Haber said the officials let it be known that values identified by the community should inform his thinking about any scenario, and it did.
"There never came a time when race was not a factor in the process, correct?" asked David G.C. Arnold, attorney for the families of nine African American children whose suit alleges they were singled out for mandatory busing to

Annette John-Hall: Sportsmanship, and its opposite

As a former basketball mom who was well-known for her, uh, overenthusiastic cheerleading, I know all too well how easy it is to get too wrapped up in your child's performance.