Thursday, April 15, 2010

Crist Vetoes SB 6, Takes Bold Stand for Florida Schools NEA Today

NEA Today


Crist Vetoes SB 6, Takes Bold Stand for Florida SchoolsCrist Vetoes SB 6, Takes Bold Stand for Florida Schools
With a stroke of his pen, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist took a bold stand today for the state’s students, educators and schools. The Republican governor, defying his own party, vetoed the controversial Senate Bill 6, which education experts say would have made Florida one of the most teacher-hostile states in the country, while also leaving counties... [Read more of this review]

A Taxing Story of Big Business Robbing Public SchoolsA Taxing Story of Big Business Robbing Public Schools
By Cynthia McCabe It’s tax day. Time to pay up. But not for everyone. Every day in this country, big businesses are getting a sweetheart deal paid for by our public school children. And no, we’re not talking high-interest lunch money loans. It’s common practice in most states and municipalities to let businesses off the hook for paying taxes,... [Read more of this review]

Ed Secretary, Senators Echo NEA Call for Jobs LegislationEd Secretary, Senators Echo NEA Call for Jobs Legislation
By Samantha Kappalman and Cynthia McCabe Calling it the right thing for the country, the economy and the nation’s children, Education Secretary Arne Duncan on Wednesday threw his support behind the National Education Association’s effort to get through Congress emergency legislation that will help save the jobs of 125,000 educators now... [Read more of this review]

When the Conventional Wisdom on Unions and Teacher Firings is WrongWhen the Conventional Wisdom on Unions and Teacher Firings is Wrong
By Alain Jehlen The conventional wisdom: Unions keep bad teachers from being fired. The unconventional approach: Actually look at the numbers! The belief that unions protect bad teachers is so widely accepted that it’s challenged. But when Bill Maher sounded off against teacher unions on his HBO talk show “Real Time” a few weeks ago, claiming... [Read more of this review]