Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Crist Suspends Local Orange County Commissioner Mildred Fernandez � Tangerine, Florida

Crist Suspends Local Orange County Commissioner Mildred Fernandez � Tangerine, Florida

Crist Suspends Local Orange County Commissioner Mildred Fernandez

Via Capital Soup

Date: April 27, 2010

TO: Interested Media

FROM: Sterling Ivey, Governor’s Press Secretary

RE: Governor’s Executive Order 10-95

Please find attached Executive Order 10-95, suspending Mildred Fernandez, Orange County Commissioner.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please call Governor Crist’s press office at (850) 488-5394.

2010.4.27 Executive Order 10-95

Florida Budget Update

The Florida budget by the numbers
By Josh Hafenbrack, Tallahassee Bureau of the Orlando Sentinel

TALLAHASSEE — With a slew of last-minute deals, Florida’s 2010-2011 budget swelled to $70.4 million — a nearly $4 billion increase in government spending over last year thanks to billions in federal stimulus aid and a lucrative gambling deal with the Seminole tribe.

The budgets were printed and distributed Tuesday afternoon, meaning a vote will come Friday after the constitutionally mandated, 72-hour waiting period.

The budget includes no new taxes and avoids deep cuts to state services. Here are some details:

Lawmakers increased funding to state classrooms by $111 million, bringing the state budget for K-12 to $18.1 billion. The increase means a slight increase in student funding to county school boards compared to last year. However, after years of school funding cuts, education spending is still well below 2006-2007 levels.

More detailed, county-by-county funding information is not yet available.

At the last minute, lawmakers did avoid steep cuts to public libraries – finding $21 million that will allow libraries to draw down matching federal funds. Without that funding, rural libraries might have faced