Sunday, April 4, 2010

7 candidates, 7 questions, 7 days: Getting the local economy back on track | | The Desert Sun

7 candidates, 7 questions, 7 days: Getting the local economy back on track | | The Desert Sun

7 candidates, 7 questions, 7 days: Getting the local economy back on track

The Desert Sun presented seven questions to the seven candidates in the 37th Senate special primary race. The weeklong series starts today. Election Day is April 13.
The 37th District, like others across the state, has suffered in this economic downturn. What legislative efforts would you support to get the local economy back on track?
JUSTIN BLAKE, Democrat: Budgets are balanced when people have jobs. Unemployed people cannot contribute to the tax base. When everyone who wants a job has a job, California can balance its budget. I will introduce and support legislation that creates jobs to restore the economic health of our state. We must also vigorously pursue tax cheats and close accounting loopholes that allow big businesses to pay less than their fair share.
RUSS BOGH, Republican: To improve the local jobs climate, Sacramento needs to immediately do three things: First, put a one-year targeted moratorium on regulations and require all new proposed regulations go through a review that identifies the cost to job creators. If any jobs will be lost, it should not take effect. Second, change the tax code to encourage businesses to expand. Finally we need to repeal last year's $12 billion tax increase.
BILL EMMERSON, Republican: I support a package of 17 bills being put forward by the Republican Caucus