Sunday, March 7, 2010

Waldorf Curriculum - Overview of the Waldorf Method

Waldorf Curriculum - Overview of the Waldorf Method

The Waldorf Method

What is Waldorf?

  • a brief history
  • what is Waldorf?
  • why is Waldorf unique?
  • some distinctive features
Waldorf Education - an interview with Caroline Ostheimer
Learning... Naturally - article by Barbara Bedingfield
The Waldorf Method for preschool
Getting Started with Waldorf
The Wisdom of Waldorf: Education for the Future - article by Rahima Baldwin Dancy
Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) website
Rudolf Steiner & Anthroposophy
biography and links to essays about Rudolf Steiner
compiled by the Rudolf Steiner College

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

answered by River Song Waldorf School

  • What is Waldorf education?
  • What is unique about Waldorf education? How is it different from other alternatives (public schooling, Montessori, unschooling, etc.)?
  • What is the curriculum at a Waldorf school like?
  • How did Waldorf education get started?
  • How many Waldorf schools are there?
  • What is the philosophy behind Waldorf education?
  • Why should I send my child to a Waldorf school?
  • Who was Rudolf Steiner?
  • How is reading taught in a Waldorf school? Why do Waldorf students wait until 2nd grade to begin learning to read?
  • Why is so much emphasis put on festivals and ceremonies? What are Michaelmas, St. John's Day, etc.?
  • Why do Waldorf Schools discourage TV watching?
  • What is the annual tuition of a Waldorf school?
  • What kind of training do Waldorf teachers have?
  • Why do Waldorf students stay with the same teacher for 8 years?
  • How are personality conflicts between students and teachers handled?
  • Are Waldorf schools religious?
  • How do Waldorf children fare when they transfer to "regular" schools? Is it true that once you start Waldorf schooling it is difficult to "make it" in public schools?
  • What is anthroposophy?
  • Where can one get more information on Anthroposophy on the Internet?
  • How does Waldorf deal with kids that don't get it academically?
  • How well do Waldorf graduates do on standard tests? How well do Waldorf high school graduates do in college?
  • What is eurythmy?
  • Is Waldorf education relevant to Special Needs children?
The Whatcom Hills Waldorf School also has answers to frequently asked questions and an overview of the Waldorf curriculum throughout the grades in its parent handbook (pdf file).
The Detroit Waldorf School has put together this wonderful list of festivals held at a Waldorf school, as well as their dates and how they are celebrated.

What About High School?

List of Waldorf High Schools
A High School Curriculum Overview
from the Washington Waldorf School
Detailed High School Schedule
from the Washington Waldorf School