Thursday, March 25, 2010 | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence.

School Board Revisiting Policy on Pregnant Student Privacy
More than two years ago, San Diego Unified sought to change a controversial policyuncovered by that requires school staff to tell parents when they discover that a student is pregnant or considering an abortion.
The rules -- and the idea of changing them -- caused an uproar across the political spectrum. Then the whole idea was shelved.
But the school district is now rewriting the rules to state that information about student pregnancy is confidential. The newly proposed rules also say parents will not be notified if students wish to leave campus for confidential medical services such as abortions.
"This will give us clarity," said Marge Kleinsmith-Hildebrand, who oversees HIV/AIDS prevention and sex education in the school district. "School staff will be able to support students and follow the Education Code and comply with school district policies and