Saturday, March 13, 2010

Schools Matter: Texas Becomes Laughingstock Once Again: State Board of Ed Determines History Is a Liberal Conspiracy

Schools Matter: Texas Becomes Laughingstock Once Again: State Board of Ed Determines History Is a Liberal Conspiracy

Texas Becomes Laughingstock Once Again: State Board of Ed Determines History Is a Liberal Conspiracy

If you can't find any reputable biologists teaching the creation myth as science, you are about to run into an even more prominent shortage: historians who will ignore the existence of the Establishment Clause, Thomas Jefferson, the word "democratic" next to "Republic," and even "capitalism" (now replaced by the less toxic "free enterprise system").

But then who needs historians in Texas, since the cranks in control of the State Board of Education have decided to make up their own historical "facts" and teach them to the next generation of Texans--thus assuring that stupidity will live on in Texas, at least until global warming makes the state with one of the largest percentages of climate change deniers finally uninhabitable.

Textbooks have had much too much influence on teaching for much too long. The actions this past week by the majority of wingnuts on the Texas School Board could signal the end to such hegemony, since it is clear that most the country will treat this bad joke for what it is: the pathetic thrashings by scared and angry white conservatives who "want their country back" (as in back to the pre-Civil Rights era). From the NYTimes:

AUSTIN, Tex. — After three days of turbulent meetings, the