Thursday, March 11, 2010

Live Theater Returns to Mitchell Middle School — The Rancho Cordova Post

Live Theater Returns to Mitchell Middle School — The Rancho Cordova Post

Live Theater Returns to Mitchell Middle School

Mitchell Middle School’s first Drama Club production, “Shakespeare Unshackled,” a musical tribute to the life and works of William Shakespeare, will be held on Friday, March 12th in Mitchell’s gym at 2100 Zinfandel Dr, Rancho Cordova. Mitchell’s outstanding band will provide live musical accompaniment under the direction of band and chorus teacher, Dan McCrossen.
This musical tribute to Shakespeare is approximately 45 minutes long and the setting is 16th Century England. The cast consists of over two-dozen extremely talented students and the production promises to be filled with wit and humor. This will truly be a fun evening for the entire family!
Amy Bergsten, one of Mitchell’s exceptional English teachers and Drama Club co-advisor said, “We are hopeful that by creating this after school club, students will explore the fantastic and creative realm of Performing Arts. Students are given the opportunity to be involved both behind the scenes of a production as well as on stage. I’m especially thrilled that we are going to be able to take students to a professional production. This club has been able to bring the performing arts back into our school and words cannot express my gratitude!”
Admission is free. Doors open at 6pm and the show will start at 6:30pm. Snacks and beverages will be available for $1 each to raise money for next year’s Drama Club. This