Thursday, March 4, 2010

Governor supports peaceful student protests

Governor supports peaceful student protests

On the eve of massive student protests over education funding in California today, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he is glad students are speaking out and that he believed the rallies on college and high school campuses from Eureka to San Diego would remain civil.
"I think I have enough faith in our students ... that they are going to rally and let their voices be heard and do it within the law," the governor told reporters after a meeting with administrators and students from the University of California, California State University and community colleges.
The March 4th Day of Action to Defend Public Education, as the day has been labeled, is an idea hatched last fall on the UC Berkeley campus and has gone national. Across California and in dozens of states, thousands of students, teachers, parents and employees from elementary school to graduate school will hold rallies, marches and teach-ins to draw attention to what they say is the declining quality of the nation's public education system as budgets dry up.
Schwarzenegger told those gathered at the meeting in his office that he is making it a priority to find permanent funding sources for higher education in California, and called

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