Remainders: Bake sale protests, union elections, and more RttT
- Ed Week has a cool map of the Race to the Top finalists and info about their applications.
- Rick Hess says Arne Duncan and Diane Ravitch are missing the point of accountability, charter schools.
- City Council is holding a hearing this Friday on how MetroCard cuts will affect education.
- Tomorrow is the application deadline to run for seats on two citywide councils on ELL and Special Ed.
- The EVP of Wireless Generation has some tips for Race to the Top finalists on their data systems.
- Sherman Dorn writes that Kristof’s latest column makes it important to remember that TFA is not scalable.
- Diane Ravitch’s new book should make reformers think twice, writes Sara Mosle in Slate.
- The UFT election is coming up and Norm says district reps are intimidating the opposition groups.
- Texas is accusing Fox News of inaccurately reporting on its revisions to state social studies standards.
- A teacher gets “awesome” results on her data report and wonders what effect these reports have on peers.
- Parents in the Mission District, CA aren’t any happier about school turnaround plans than ones in NY.
- More than 100 middle schoolers took part in the Daily News New York spelling bee that began today.
- Two parents are planning a bake-in at City Hall to protest new bake sale policies.
- When he brought data-driven methods into his classroom, he lost his spark, a new teacher writes.
- And Room for Debate takes up the question: how does the size of a school affect its students?