Saturday, March 20, 2010

Elk Grove Citizen : Sheldon High agriculture dept. recovers from burglary

Elk Grove Citizen : Feature Story

Getting back on their feet

Sheldon High School Agriculture students (clockwise from top), Amber Linehan, Stacey Johnson, Austin Woods, Garrett Paz, Hashneel Singh, and Nick McKenna, appreciate the generous donations of new and used tools from throughout the community to replace the $9,700 worth of tools stolen two weeks ago.

Sheldon High agriculture dept. recovers from burglary

By Cameron Macdonald - Citizen Staff Writer
Published: Friday, March 19, 2010 10:08 AM PDT
Sheldon High School agriculture students have about two months to raise chickens, rabbits and turkeys on campus for the Sacramento County Fair, while recovering from a severe crime.

One burglar or more had pried open the doors to their agriculture department’s equipment shed and stole an estimated $10,000 worth of tools and materials during the first weekend of this month.

Toolboxes, cordless drills, wheelbarrows, wrenches, and even a meat slicer used for fundraiser barbecues, were taken.

Much of the equipment was being used to build pens for the show animals.

An air conditioner unit was also stolen.

“(The equipment) was ready to go inside and they just cleaned house,” Sheldon High agriculture teacher Jim Luper said.

His agriculture department, which teaches more than 350 students who are active in county and state fair livestock competitions, suffered a great loss