Monday, March 8, 2010

Educators weigh in on Race to the Top: Survey results - comments

Educators weigh in on Race to the Top: Survey results - comments

Educators' comments about Race to the Top ranged from confusion and frustration to total agreement.
Educators' comments about Race to the Top ranged from confusion and frustration to total agreement. support_tb.php
(Note: This is the second of three articles presenting results from a Race to the Top survey distributed to educators over the past month. It presents educators' comments on various aspects of Race to the Top. The first article provides statistical breakdowns and graphs of the participants’ answers to multiple-choice questions (Go here). The third shares educators' responses to a specific question about linking student performance to teacher pay and evaluations (Go here). Go here to see the complete survey results and comments).
What are educators saying about President Obama’s efforts to reform our schools with his $4.35 billion Race to the Top (RT³) competition?
In a survey of 45 educators the general sentiment was – as one veteran Duval County elementary school teacher poetically put it – “Money is great, money is biggest concern is where will it land?”
39 of the educators surveyed were from Jacksonville – with the remaining six coming from another Florida city as well as California, Illinois, Massachusetts and Ohio – but they all shared the same major concerns: Can any educational reform that does not directly address community issues have long lasting impact and how exactly will money be distributed? 
Resources must be used to serve the whole community and all schools

A Duval County elementary school teacher with over 11 years experience reflected the opinion of many of those surveyed: 

“If you only address the school, and do not address the community, in fact the whole society, then this will be a big boondoggle.” Adding,“Start making schools the hub of a community