Saturday, March 6, 2010 - A Global Leading News Source - A Global Leading News Source

Jay Mathews: KIPP helps worst students, study says 
3.6.10 - Among the many controversies surrounding the Knowledge Is Power Program, the nation's most successful...

Charter school's seniors: They're all in
3.6.10 - The entire senior class of 107 students at Chicago's only public all-male, all-African-American high school has been accepted to four-year colleges....

Fire teachers in failing schools? It may work3.6.10 - PROVIDENCE - When all the teachers were fired from Central Falls High School last week in a sweeping effort at school reform
Analysis documents college 'grade inflation' over decades
3.6.10 - Grades awarded to U.S. undergraduates have risen substantially in the last few decades, and grade inflation has become particularly pronounced at

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