Friday, March 26, 2010

Don't Swat the Kids California Progress Report

California Progress Report

Don't Swat the Kids

By Jim Miller
Although the vast majority of responses to the March for California's Future have been positive, there have been a few folks who were less than sanguine about our 48-day march to Sacramento. One day last week as we marched by a farm in the middle of the vast Central Valley, a stocky man in a tractor stopped as we passed by and asked us why were marching.
"Against education cuts," I started in.
"They already get too much money," he interrupted.
I tried again with, "Actually, public education has been cut by over $18 billion over the last two years."
And he stopped me with, "Where do they get all the money for those fancy buses

De Leon Bill Requires Higher Standards for State Research

By Steve Maviglio
One week after the non-partisan Legislative Analyst's Office ripped a taxpayer funded report by faculty members at Sacramento State University, Assemblymember Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles) who requested the report, introduced legislation to prohibit any future state contracts with public or private universities or their faculty for research that isn't subject to minimum academic standards including peer review. Earlier this week, De León also wrote the president of