Saturday, March 20, 2010

Democratic groups split over California schools chief race - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Democratic groups split over California schools chief race - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Democratic groups split over California schools chief race

Published: Saturday, Mar. 20, 2010 - 12:00 am | Page 1A

It pays $182,000 a year, and comes with responsibility for public schools reeling from budget cuts and an alarming dropout rate among Latino and black children.
The state superintendent of public instruction is traditionally not one of the glamorous or bank-breaking political campaigns in California.
But heading toward a June primary, three interest groups with a stake in the race have already given substantial donations to three candidates with the most money, all Democrats.
It signals a serious internecine fight brewing among traditional Democratic groups.
Sen. Gloria Romero of Los Angeles is endorsed by EdVoice, a pro-charter school reform movement that's clashed with teachers unions and has support from Los Angeles Latino activists and wealthy entrepreneurs like the founders of NetFlix and the Gap.
Assemblyman and former high school science teacher Tom Torlakson of Martinez, author of bills to fund after-school programs and build schools – and proposals to tax tobacco for school money – is endorsed by the California

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