Friday, March 26, 2010

Defending Education | The Advocate

Defending Education | The Advocate

Defending Education

by Alison Powell

Upcom ing Con tract Negotiations

The cur rent PSC con tract expires in Octo ber 2010. The Adjunct Project and CCU (Cuny Con tin gents Unite) are work ing together to deter mine what demands should be included on the agenda at the upcom ing union con tract nego ti a tions. We’re already plan ning for the next round of bar gain ing; the kick-off will be a meet ing with the PSC and Bar bara Bowen at the Grad u ate Cen ter (room 9205) at 12:30 pm on Tues day, April 6, to dis cuss pri or i ties for the next con­tract and how GC stu dents can be part of the col lec tive bar gain ing process.

Pro posed CCU con tract demands were cir cu lated by Abe Walker on the CCU-Discussion list on Feb ru ary 5, after they were approved by the Coor di nat ing Com mit tee. If you would like to receive a copy of that post ing, please write to cunycontingents@​gmail.​com.

The next Adjunct Project meet ing is March 25, and the monthly CCU meet ing will be held on Fri day, March 26, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm, in the Polit i cal Sci ence The sis Room, inside Room 5200 at the CUNY Grad u ate Center.

Bar bara Bowen and other offi cers will visit every cam pus this semes ter to begin a union-wide con ver sa tion about bar gain ing the next con tract with CUNY. These meet ings will be the membership’s chance to hear directly about issues that have already emerged for the upcom ing nego ti a tions and to dis cuss their own con cerns and ideas.To find out when and where the meet ing is at your home cam pus, go to:

Recap: March 4th Day of Action to Defend Education

On March 4, the National Day of Action to Defend Edu ca tion, stu dents across the nation gath ered for mass protests against bud get cuts, tuition hikes, increased class sizes, and school clos ings. In New York, over 1800 stu dents, teach ers and advo cates gath ered together to protest on the steps of City Hall to protest the mayor’s man age ment of