Sunday, February 7, 2010

This Week In Education: Media: How To Write A Sure-Fire Education Story

This Week In Education: Media: How To Write A Sure-Fire Education Story
Media: How To Write A Sure-Fire Education Story

Custom_1263502413244_magnetic-poetry1"Dust off an anecdotal lede (best if in a classroom), tuck in a summary nut graph, widen to include some national and regional statistics, throw in a couple of expert voices, add an educator and a parent or student to contrast the experts and show you I’ve talked to local people, then circle back to my anecdote, tie it all together and end with a silver-bullet quote.  All in 10 inches or less, guaranteed to run unless we get more obits than budgeted or another 10 inches of snow."
-- Cathy Grimes, education team leader, The Daily Press, Newport News, Va.