Saturday, February 6, 2010

Super Bowl a good peg to teach kids about finances - Yahoo! News

Super Bowl a good peg to teach kids about finances - Yahoo! News: "Super Bowl"

DES MOINES, Iowa – There's no denying that the Super Bowl is all about money, and lots of it.
Consider that advertisers will spend as much as $3 million to grab your attention during the football championship in hopes of convincing you to buy their products.
Also consider estimates that the average host of a Super Bowl party will spend more than $140 on food, drinks and supplies.
Payment processing giant Visa Inc., the NFL and educators believe the combination of football and finance creates an ideal teachable moment for youngsters.
"People spend a lot of money this time of year be it on a giant TV or just on chips and dip and the kids often get involved," said Jason Alderman, Visa's director of financial education. "What we're saying to parents is this is a great time to get kids involved, help them be a part of the decision-making process."
Kids can also learn about the basics of spending, borrowing and budgeting from a football-themed video game called Financial Football that is now used in high schools in 25 states.
Versions for high school and college-age kids can be played on the Practical Money Skills for Life Web site at
Players move the ball down field by answering correctly multiple choice financial questions. An example: Which is not a way to decrease your debt to income ratio? The choices are: a. Increase your income; b. Decrease your debt; c. Take a loan to pay off your debt; or d. All of the above would decrease your debt to income ratio. (The answer is C).