Thursday, February 25, 2010

Students Urged to Apply for CalGrants by March 2nd Deadline — The Rancho Cordova Post

Students Urged to Apply for CalGrants by March 2nd Deadline — The Rancho Cordova Post

Students Urged to Apply for CalGrants by March 2nd Deadline

Assemblymember Alyson Huber, a past Cal Grant recipient, wants to remind students and parents that March 2nd is the deadline to apply for CalGrants. Cal Grants, a need-based financial aid program, has been a big part of making college affordable for many California families.
“Paying for school is tough. I know because I was the first in my family to graduate from college and financial aid helped make it possible for me to succeed,” said Assemblymember Alyson Huber. “Today, every low- or moderate-income student who meets the academic standards is guaranteed a Cal Grant award and we must do everything we can to ensure that every eligible student takes advantage of this extraordinary opportunity.”Eligible students receive grants for tuition and fees at the California State University or the University of California. Awards are also given to community college students and students entering private California colleges, including technical education programs.
Students must apply for a Cal Grant by submitting a Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Form and a Cal Grant Grade Point Average Verification Form. Changes in the law guarantee that every eligible student will get a Cal Grant award of up to $9,708 a year, depending on the cost of their college or university, their financial need and the type of grant. One of the most important things to note, Cal Grants do not have to be repaid.
Assemblymember Huber noted that despite the financial turmoil with the recent state budget