Friday, February 12, 2010

Schools Matter: NY Times publishes 5 letters attacking NCLB

Schools Matter: NY Times publishes 5 letters attacking NCLB

‘No Child Left Behind,’ Revisited
To the Editor:
“Making ‘No Child’ Better” (editorial, Feb. 5) misses the point that the No Child Left Behind law is founded on faulty assumptions of top-down mandates, zero tolerance, narrow forms of assessment, and privatization. These are all popular nowadays, but have been shown to be ineffective in other sectors (health, corrections, welfare and so on) and have a dismal track record so far in education.
“Tightening up” the law will only prolong the agony.
President Obama’s appointment of Arne Duncan as education secretary instead of the education scholar Linda Darling-Hammond has set authentic reform in education back by at least a decade. Educators aren’t the villains; we might actually know something about education and how to reform it. Consult us. Gary L. Anderson
New York, Feb. 5, 2010
The writer is a professor at the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development at New York University.