Thursday, February 4, 2010

PTA Takes Action: Public Policy

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President’s Education Budget Eliminates Sole Federal Parent Engagement Program
On February 1, 2010, the Obama Administration released its FY 2011 Budget Request, which included an unprecedented $3 billion increase for education.  While PTA applauds the historic investment in education, we are greatly concerned about the consolidation and proposed elimination of the Parental Information and Resource Centers (PIRCs). There is at least one PIRC in every state and territory. This program elimination affects all PTAs and parents. Under this consolidation, the sole funding stream for family engagement would be redirected to charter schools. Placing PIRCs under this fund means that there is no longer a dedicated funding stream for family engagement and PIRCs will not be able reach all families with children in public schools.
Elimination of PIRCs negatively impacts PTAs, schools and parents.
Why PIRCs matter:  
  • They provide schools and districts with tools to effectively partner with parents.
  • They empower parents to advocate for their children and school reform.
  • They provide training and professional development on effective family engagement to districts and school staff.
  • They collaborate with state PTAs to engage all public school parents in their children's education.
  • They train family engagement coordinators in schools.
  • They convene parent leadership academies to equip parents with skills needed to help their children to succeed.
Annually, PIRCs served over 16.4 million parents by connecting them to their schools to improve their child's education. Parents need PIRCs. You can help! Please urge the Obama Administration, both of your Senators and Representative not to eliminate PIRCs.

Take Action
Message Recipients:
 Barack Obama (D), President
 Your U.S. Senators
 Your U.S. House Representative
 Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, Secretary
Delivery Method:
 Printed Letter