Saturday, February 6, 2010

Education Week: A Midterm Report

Education Week: A Midterm Report:

As the first year of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ends and the second year begins, Education Week takes a close look at the impact education stimulus dollars have had and sheds light on what the next year will bring.

The deadline has arrived, and 40 states plus D.C. are hoping to win a share of a $4.35 billion "Race to the Top" pie. Who will get the money? How have they prepared? This video is part of a Learning Matters series covering the Race to the Top. Watch all related videos and listen to more podcasts here. Produced by: Cat McGrath & David Wald. Correspondent: John Merrow. Camera: David Wald, Bruce Liffiton, Carl Filoreto & Rudy Gelenter.
The long-term impact of the huge influx of federal education funding remains uncertain as the flow of $100 billion in aid continues. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
States and school districts are tapping into several pots of federal economic-stimulus money to rev up their educational technology. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
Both for-profit and nonprofit organizations are being tapped to play roles as the federal money opens new business opportunities. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
Advocates worry that districts’ choices to use the money to fill budget gaps and avoid layoffs may come back to haunt them later. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
The legislation emphasizes on-the-job performance as a gauge of teacher quality more than such criteria as formal credentials. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
The infusion of federal stimulus money is intended to supercharge efforts to overhaul the worst-performing Title I schools. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
Schools around Las Vegas made quick use of federal stimulus funding as Nevada copes with high unemployment and other problems. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
The extra funds offer Arkansas a chance for lasting investments, while officials remain aware that caution is the watchword in spending. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
States and school districts are already mapping strategies to maintain their momentum after the federal stimulus aid stops flowing. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
The Education Department is expected to keep championing many policies it has prodded states to adopt in the grant competition. February 5, 2010 – Education Week
Coverage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is supported in part by grants from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, at, and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, at