Monday, February 22, 2010

The Educated Reporter: AYKM?

The Educated Reporter: AYKM?

Do we really need another acronym to describe children who are not native English speakers?

While I am all about precision of language, I am also known for being particularly resistant to renaming things. I like to call things what people call them in real life. In Not Much Just Chillin’ I called a home ec teacher a “home ec teacher” and got angry letters from teachers mad I didn’t say “family and consumer science teacher.” Ditto when I called a media specialist in Tested the “librarian.” It takes nothing away from their professionalism to say that while the job description expands, the name can remain the same.

When I started out as an education writer, we had ESOL students: English for speakers of other languages. Or ESL students: English as a second language. Then came ELL: English language learners. I am fine with any of those, though I know they are not perfect. (English might be their third language!) In government use you see most often LEP, limited English proficient.