Thursday, February 18, 2010

Broward Teachers Union ads blast Superintendent Jim Notter - 5-Minute Herald -

Broward Teachers Union ads blast Superintendent Jim Notter - 5-Minute Herald -

"In the midst of contract negotiations, the Broward Teachers Union took out ads attacking Superintendent Jim Notter, who fired back Wednesday."

Long-simmering tensions between the Broward Teachers Union and the school district's superintendent escalated publicly Wednesday in morning newspaper ads and an afternoon news conference.
The union bought half-page ads in local newspapers accusing Superintendent Jim Notter of misusing school district money -- claims they have made before.
The allegations touch on use of stimulus money intended for kids with disabilities; job perks for Notter; rehiring of retired administrators and unnecessary travel on the taxpayer's dime.
Notter called a news conference to respond publicly for the first time, he said, because he was so appalled about the use of children in a photograph that accompanies the ad.
``When, in fact, you look at a paid ad and what looks back at you are children who clearly do not know and understand the untruths that I just shared with you, I will tell you that is wrong,'' he said, calling the children ``exploited.'' The ad, which cost up to $1,000 to run in each paper, features a picture of seven angry-looking children. They are kids of union members, a BTU spokesman said.
If not for the picture of the children, Notter said he would have ``maintained what leaders