Saturday, February 6, 2010

Assemblymember Block - Bill Closes Cayman Island Tax Loopholes | California Progress Report

Assemblymember Block - Bill Closes Cayman Island Tax Loopholes | California Progress Report

One of my top priorities when I came to the Assembly was to eliminate corporate tax loopholes.
With a grim economy and no-win budget choices, it’s clear that making big business pay their fair share of state tax is more important than ever.
To do this I’ve introduced the Cayman Islands Tax Loophole Bill, AB 1178.
You might have heard about a single building in the Cayman Islands that houses almost 19,000 shell corporations.
Corporations transfer their profits to these fake companies so they don’t have to pay taxes.
Meanwhile, the rest of us get stuck paying more for the services our state needs.
Look at college students and their families.
For too long now they’ve struggled to afford higher education in our state – the higher education needed to attract jobs and keep vital industries here at home in California.
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