Saturday, February 13, 2010

As Senate works on jobs bill, some states on edge of financial disaster

As Senate works on jobs bill, some states on edge of financial disaster:

"Washington seems to have finally caught on, at least a little bit, to the fact that that jobs are on the forefront of most Americans minds. Whether they are actually able to follow through with doing anything effective is an entirely different matter.

According to, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid decided that he could reduce an $85 billion jobs bill down to $15 billion.

The higher priced one apparently had some bipartisan support because it included elements that conservative Republicans were interested to extend to the American people. The problem is that when Reid made his changes, he apparently removed those things according to an Associated Press article. So now support for the bill is no longer bipartisan. However, one thing that Reid did include in his scaled down version is a $13 billion payroll tax credit for companies that hire unemployed workers. And with national unemployment being at about 10 percent, companies who can actually afford to hire workers don’t have to worry about a shortage of qualified applicants – just the future of the state in which their company is located."