Friday, January 8, 2010 | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. - Bright and Early: The Education Newsblitz | News. Investigation. Analysis. Conversation. Intelligence. - Bright and Early: The Education Newsblitz:

"It's good to be back from vacation. Something just doesn't seem right when I don't start my days combing through educational news. It's what makes your newsblitz:

Vista schools and their teachers union are stalled after three years of bargaining, the Union-Tribune reports. Class sizes in middle and high school and how teachers are transferred are sticking points.
More from Vista: The North County Times writes about the debate over when to transfer students into a brand-new campus, which will be ready in a few months.
I forgot to include this yesterday: OBRag argues that a recent Union-Tribune editorial on the idea of San Diego Unified eliminating the superintendent job got its facts wrong.