Friday, January 15, 2010

Unlikely group teams up on sex education - Salt Lake Tribune

Unlikely group teams up on sex education - Salt Lake Tribune:

"Talk about odd bedfellows.

An unlikely group of lawmakers and organizations has come together to pitch a bill this session to change sex education in Utah. It's a bill that has a Republican senator, a Democratic representative, the Planned Parenthood Action Council (PPAC) and the state PTA working together.

'It's just turned into the most amazing process where people are working together on both sides of the aisle to make sure we're doing whatever we can to make sure our kids have information to keep them safe,' said Melissa Bird, executive director of PPAC.

Now, state law allows educators to teach students about contraceptives, but it prohibits 'advocacy or encouragement' of their use, leading some educators to avoid the topic out of fear of accidentally crossing the line. Sen. Stephen Urquhart's bill, now in draft form, would remove that prohibition and instead require teachers to talk about the limitations and benefits of contraceptives and the importance of parental guidance in such matters."