Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Unjustified press exaltation of a mediocre San Francisco charter school

Unjustified press exaltation of a mediocre San Francisco charter school:

"If only charter operator Envision Schools were half as successful at educating students at is it at persuading the press to print flattering articles about its schools, our education challenges would be solved.

Today's San Francisco Chronicle Insight section carries a pair of puff pieces praising Envision's City Arts and Technology (CAT) for its 'remarkable results.'

Dose of reality: While I'm not blasting CAT as a failure, its achievement ranks 12th out of the 17 general- education (non-continuation) high schools in the San Francisco Unified School District. Below are the spring 2009 achievement results for San Francisco high schools, from California's Academic Performance Index reporting system, ranked in descending performance order. All schools not otherwise designated are non-charter schools with entrollment by lottery:"