Friday, January 22, 2010

Sacramento Press / A road map to the strong mayor debate

Sacramento Press / A road map to the strong mayor debate

Developments affecting Mayor Kevin Johnson’s strong mayor initiative have been highly controversial and complex.
Several entities have weighed in on the initiative, including the Sacramento City Council, the Sacramento County Superior Court and the Sacramento Charter Review Committee. Government officials, attorneys and citizens have interpreted the initiative in a variety of ways.

Here’s a road map to make sense of some of the key events in the strong mayor debate:
Johnson’s Day One Plan: Before taking office, Johnson promotes a strong mayor form of government in his “Day One” plan. An executive mayor system would mean that one leader would be accountable, Johnson says.
“Explore a change to the city charter moving to a strong mayor structure,” the plan states. “We need a single point of accountability in our city and to know where the buck stops. We should engage in a dialogue to determine if we can improve our city government through a different governance structure.”
February 2009: The City Council unanimously forms the charter review