Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Race to the Top ~ The Race is On! | Learning Matters

Race to the Top ~ The Race is On! | Learning Matters

The deadline has arrived, and the states that are hoping to win a share of a 4.35 billion dollar pie have submitted their applications to what the Obama Administration is calling the “Race to the Top.”
It’s a massive gamble on Washington’s part, an effort to change state and local education policies by dangling the carrot of big dollars in front of states and school districts that are desperately trying to make ends meet. Washington wants more charter schools, merit pay for teachers, and plans for putting the best teachers in the worst schools.
In the weeks before the applications were due, we watched legislators and educators in Colorado, Maryland and other states planning their strategies. Some states changed laws just to qualify to compete, while others rewrote policies in hopes of increasing their chances of winning.