Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Perimeter Primate

The Perimeter Primate:

"The petition for a new charter school in Oakland's San Antonio District (possibly located at 12th St. and 8th Ave.) has been submitted to OUSD. It will go for final approval before the board on January 27th. The petition for the COMMUNITY SCHOOL FOR CREATIVE EDUCATION (CSCE) can be viewed here.

This K-8 school will be based on a Waldorf model and is projected to enroll 256 neighborhood children by 2014, 206 elementary with an additional 50 middle school students. The middle school enrollment will continue to expand for several years. The lead petitioner is a strong figure in the Waldorf community, and many additional Waldorf leaders are on the school’s board, as well as a rep from OCO, a person from the Contra Costa County Office of Education, a lawyer/start-up businessman, a digital"