Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Need to Trim Corrections Spending, Governor? Stop Wasting Money on the Death Penalty! | California Progress Report

Need to Trim Corrections Spending, Governor? Stop Wasting Money on the Death Penalty! | California Progress Report

If Gov. Schwarzenegger thinks he can cut $3.5 billion from state spending on corrections, he is being unrealistic and impractical.
In his state of the state address Wednesday, Gov. Schwarzenegger promised to restore the California dream by increasing funds for education and cutting funds for prisons in the budget proposal he releases today. That’s a great theory. But his only real proposal is to outsource prison administration to private companies. The state’s powerful prison guards’ union will ensure that plan fails. Meanwhile, the governor continues to slash education, health care, and other vital services.
So let’s consider something the governor can actually do right now to make a serious dent in the corrections budget: convert all 700 death sentences in California to permanent imprisonment saving the state $1 billion over the next five years.
A slew of articles have recently documented the decline of the death penalty nationally. Death sentencing hit an all time low in 2009.  As reported this week on National Public