Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Experts Debate California's Parental Trigger - GOOD Blog - GOOD

Experts Debate California's Parental Trigger - GOOD Blog - GOOD:

"We've mentioned California's idea to empower parents to take over schools if they feel as though their kids are getting a subpar education. We've also noted that charter school maven Steve Barr has spoken out about outlawing private schools, in part because he believes that parents will hold public schools accountable the same way that private school-parents currently keep an eye on their educational investment.

Well, California's parental trigger is the topic of the week over at the National Journal Online's 'Education Experts' blog. The view from the outside is that education wonks would be really excited by parental involvement in their children's schooling. But, the opinions on this trigger idea run the gambit from 'fabulous idea' to 'superficial solution.'"