Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Elk Grove Citizen : News

Elk Grove Citizen : News:

"Summer school will not be offered at local high schools this year due to budget cuts, but seniors who lack the credits to graduate this year could join an experiment.

The Elk Grove Unified School District staff wants to offer these students a chance to make up their classes via the Internet. They could retake their needed courses on their home computers and submit their schoolwork to teachers.

If all goes according to district plan, online education could be offered to credit-deficient high school students this month.

Several trustees praised the online education plan during their Jan. 5 meeting.

“I think this is certainly the way to go,” said Trustee William Lugg whose grandson takes high school online courses at home in Colorado.

There are also district plans to launch a full-time, “virtual school” or online education program for grades kindergarten through 12 this summer where students can take online courses at home anytime in the day or night, while regularly working with a teacher through cyberspace."