Wednesday, January 6, 2010

County schools put complex grading system on hold amid teacher backlash -

County schools put complex grading system on hold amid teacher backlash -

"Baltimore County schools Superintendent Joe A. Hairston backed away Tuesday from a directive requiring teachers to start immediate use of a complex online grading system after intense criticism from teachers who say the program is cumbersome, time-consuming and redundant.

Hairston's pronouncement marks a setback for an initiative developed and copyrighted by one of his top administrators who hopes to spread it across the state and beyond.

Blaming 'miscommunication and misinformation' from educators who raised concerns about the Articulated Instruction Module - or AIM - Hairston said he would work to streamline the program and limit the number of teachers who have to use it.

The system as now constructed would require every teacher to judge each student's performance in 100 different skills."