Wednesday, January 20, 2010

California leaders move toward tighter rules for student-athletes with concussions - San Jose Mercury News

California leaders move toward tighter rules for student-athletes with concussions - San Jose Mercury News

SACRAMENTO — California could be moving toward tough rules to protect young athletes from concussions, with new legislation and a proposal from the state's high school sports federation calling for doctors to weigh in before any injured student is allowed back on the field.
The proposals follow a swell of media attention — especially after the near death of San Jose High Academy football player Matt Blea — and new scientific evidence that shows how susceptible young people in particular are to the debilitating effects of brain trauma.
Together, they would place California near the vanguard of efforts to blunt harm from head injuries. Only three other states have policies as strict as those state leaders are proposing.
"Injuries are a part of any sport," said Assemblywoman Mary Hayashi, D-Hayward. "But if you don't recognize the signs and symptoms of a serious sports injury, it can be life-threatening."
She has introduced two bills: one that would require coaches to study up on the symptoms of head injury, and a second that would require a doctor's clearance for an injured athlete to resume play.